Thread: Pigeon report
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Old 08-18-2019, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SNAPFisher View Post
Finally found a minute to get out to Pigeon with the wife. Made it out to Mulhurst this morning and was on the water by 7:30. Fishing was awesome to start and we quickly used 4 of the 5 tags we have. The 43-50 could have been filled 5 times over. The over 50 took some time. Got a nice one right away that was 56-57. Got the final over 50 cm walleye at about 10:30 a.m. Headed back to the launch before it was getting busy

The most disturbing part of the morning was catching 3 over 50 cm walleye that were skinny, much whiter / pale in color to the others and there heads stood out against they bodies. I haven't seen poor looking fish like that for some years. Anyone else seen walleye like that recently? Yes, they all went back. None of these skinnies fought well either.

It was getting busy back at the launch. Helped some groups out. One guy needed some tools as the bolt on his bow mount broke off in the bracket. We ended up pounding the remaining piece left just to he could get in to slide in the bracket. Also helped a guy in a wheel chair get into a pontoon boat. I was surprised they didn't have a transfer belt or anything. I've done it before, you need leverage and/or some good strength. My wife did a lot of this in her job so she and I helped them get the guy in. I hope they get him out okay...

Two other boats were stuck at the dock with motor trouble. I think you could spend you day there on any weekend helping out if you feel you need to do a good deed or two

The water was nice and clear for August. Some green tinge but normal. Also the water temps were only 67 degrees. This rain is annoying but is sure keeping the temps down. The temps are usually well into the 70s by now.

Cleaning time

were we out the first week of august and some of the walleye were thin to say the least , most of the shorter fish were in good shape fat, the only pike we caught was 36 inches and maybe 3 lbs thin as a rail . thanks again snapfisher for the rock guard its still protecting the crestliner. cheers
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