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Old 10-14-2019, 01:24 PM
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Dean2 Dean2 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
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You know what is even worse, the number of 40-50 year olds that are just as bad and haven't learned a thing as they got older. Was having supper yesterday and my SIL brought up banning all "Assault Rifles". She had not idea that civilian ARs and AKs are not full auto, and have magazines pinned at 5 rounds. Once I explained it to her she was quite embarrassed. It clearly tells me we aren't getting our message out well at all.

With respect to your specific issue, I really don't think there are a whole bunch more entitled, self centered kids now than there was 30 years ago. I think we forget just how opinionated, cock sure and obnoxious many of us were when we were 20 years old. I remember going back to University when I was 25, after being in the working world for 7 years, and thinking, what a bunch of deluded ahoes most of the students were. Most of them grew out of it and turned into good people. Like my buddy says, amazing how smart his Dad became once my buddy turned 30.
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