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Old 10-21-2019, 05:09 PM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Black View Post
So you can't walk, without a firearm, with a liscenced hunter in the bush, or on a trail, or in a vehicle if you are suspended? You are now hunting? YOu cannot accompany to help retrieve a downed animal?

Because if the above is the case, a non hunter, not carrying a rifle, is breaking the law by accompanying a liscenced hunter at any time, even in a vehicle, let alone while the other individual is actively hunting. Even a child accompanying and adult.

Both senarios are the same. The accompanying person is not hunting. Period. 100% legal.

Now start pushing bush, another story. Driving a truck around to pick up hunters, grey area.

Drive, walk, sit, stand, dance with a liscenced hunter all you want. Don't carry a gun. You are not hunting.

May be the best remedy to set your friend straight, seeing the enjoyment you're having this season.
Up to the judge and courts to decide what the definition covers
