Thread: Wainwright 2019
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Old 12-09-2019, 07:10 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
So you would be okay with receiving only the benefits specifically mentioned in the treaty? I have read a few treaties, there is no mention of medical or dental treatment, or university education, or homes with running water, electricity and central heat in them, so if we honor the treaties exactly as written, why should the taxpayers pay for those things for individuals effected by the treaties? And if you read the treaties, several even have a clause that stipulates that the government reserves the right to regulate hunting and fishing as they seem necessary.

So you see, I have taken the time to actually read the texts of a few treaties.

I bought and payed for my home and land and do pay taxes. Your privilege to hunt will be long gone before the First Nations right to hunt then waiting 5 years for a draw will be short. So sick of this crap if you don’t like it then move it’s not going to change. I’m glad you have read the treaties top to bottom and I’m happy you understand them. But reamber we hunt by right not privilege like you sir.
Fortunately, I hunt primarily on private land, and if sport hunting ends there, I can guarantee that the owners will not be granting access to non regulated hunters. As one land owner told me, nobody will have more hunting rights on his land than he does.
Only accurate guns are interesting.