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Old 12-10-2019, 01:54 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Originally Posted by Arachnodisiac View Post
This sounds more libertarian than conservative.

Curious, what do you think would happen to reproductive choice and marriage freedom if Alberta separated?
Yes there are libertarian beliefs there as well. But still beliefs that founded this province. Helping neighbours socially is welcome too of course.

Do you really think if Alberta separated either of those issues would really come to the forefront of issues? Lets say for a minute that we separate and the real issues at hand are solved and these do come to the table.

Do you really believe there are enough people today (or years from now) that care about gay marriage? I think the vast majority of people don't care about who people marry, we're just sick of BS equality issues shoved down our throats. Gay people are equal to straight people today; the war is over. Move on. The vast majority of people I would say have no problem with gay people, I think most people are sick of the 5873 different minority groups fighting over who exactly is MORE equal than the others.

As for abortion, you're right there is a large majority of Albertans that felt that if we talk Canada into separating then we can ban abortions. You found us out. Didn't think you woulda seen this coming.

Also, as this is in a thread about separation it could be construed as I meant separation; but my original quote was not so much about separation as it is to just leave Alberta as a conservative (lets call it politically right) refuge. I was asking the socialists and liberals to leave instead of me having to leave Canada as another poster requested.

Last edited by HyperMOA; 12-10-2019 at 01:59 PM.
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