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Old 12-11-2019, 12:26 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by Arachnodisiac View Post
I am not worried about reproductive rights in Canada. I would be, however, if separation occurred. Of course, I live in southern Alberta, and it’s a bit of a different world down here. I would hope the urban centres would be able to water the fundamentalism down, but it would really depend on so many things when the new new country was founded.

And yes, Klein was premier for one year of marriage equality - because it was federal law. Klein and the conservative government at the time absolutely opposed it. So it would be ridiculous to think that the possibility of a stand-alone Alberta would protect the same rights and freedoms that Canada does.

How many Alberta conservatives that live here now do you think would actively vote to ensure both of these rights remained protected? How do you envision an Alberta charter would be developed? In consultation? Democratically? By elected officials? By referendum?

I don’t have any confidence that these would be protected post separation.

And of course, there are plenty of other issues too, but these two are forefront in my mind given the current climate of politics in the south here.
You are muddying waters here. You asked what time of Alberta I would choose. That has zero to do with a separate country. Ralph Klein will never run a sovereign Alberta so you are arguing from a position that poses less than zero threat to your causes. You just asked me what time in Alberta history I would choose. I gave you a time where what you think is important and I think was important co-existed.

Hypothetically, you (conceivably you’d stick around) would be part of the sovereign state of Alberta. So would your peers. In your day to day life. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances, shopkeepers, etc that you converse with. Do you really think that the majority want to rail against gay marriage and abortion? Like I said, it’s a non-issue. It’s a dead horse. The average albertan doesn’t care if you or I were gay. The average albertan doesn’t care if you or I (well not me but say my wife) were to have an abortion. It’s not the lightning rod you think it is. These two positions exist only to scare people from the evil conservative parties. (Even though there is no real conservative parties left in Canada. But that’s a whole other discussion) It is nothing more than fear mongering. Harper could’ve abolished it if he chose to and in eleven years as him being PM it was brought up exactly zero times.

As to how the charter of rights were to be arranged I can’t tell you. I will say this though. If Alberta were to go through a democratic process to succeed from Canada do you truly believe we would turn into a dictatorship and allow the populace to lose control of their brand new country?

I do not mean to belittle your positions on gay marriage or abortion by any means. I don’t mean to diminish what it means to you at all. I just think you are wasting time, effort, and sanity to keep fighting for it. It’s done. It’s settled. If gay marriage is legal in Texas; it’s over. The war was won. Stand down soldier; your fight is done. I honestly believe in my heart the majority of albertans don’t oppose either. I know I don’t; and as stated I’m what many would consider WAY right.
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