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Old 01-21-2020, 10:46 PM
JD848 JD848 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 2,898

There has been flu's that are connected to multiple strains that kill many people every year,but there's strains that only mutate so far and the strains are known world wide so to say it's just the flu is nonsense .

This one some health organizations say is stronger then sars the way it's mutating and a couple others that have come out in the last 17 years.

It's a strain no one has seen so they don't no as time goes on how powerful it will become or mutates itself, so it's not the latest click bait.It's real and possibly very dangerous.

Airports around the world don't go on high alert every year for just a flu like H1N1 because they could identify the virus like influenza A in which I think it belonged to or something close, they even predicted it 7 months ahead of time or even longer.

This one they no nothing about and they have never seen this strain before, so this is why there on high alert till they know more, because it's a totally different animal and how it behaves in the future is what scares many health officials.

It mutated some how,but the ten dollar question is how powerful will the strain become.

I don't think it's any real threat to North America at this point, but it's in six counties and the high numbers are starting to come out in a very over populated area, so precautions have to be top priority.


Last edited by JD848; 01-21-2020 at 10:52 PM.
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