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Old 01-22-2020, 08:46 AM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
If your that concerned about innocent babies dying. I’d suggest you should take up the fight against abortion which kills roughly 100000 babies each year needlessly in Canada. The fact is we all die. Maybe you’ve been isolated from death or haven’t seen it. I have and I can tell you that I don’t want to see any kid die, but you have to realize that no matter what you do it happens. I have faith that those kids are in a better place than this world will ever be. Maybe that helps me deal with it better than those whose sole focus is on this world.

Going back to this current disease. Your missing my point when I say that it’s not anything to fear yet. If it starts killing people with healthy immune systems, that’s when it’ll be dangerous. As we than have no way to fight it, and it’ll kill millions.
I care about innocent people dying. No idea why you bring up abortion other than to deflect as it has nothing to do with people dying from diseases which can be controlled or prevented. You can have all the faith in the world but it still hurts when you see young people die. Heck it hurts to see anyone die. I watched my wife hold her 45 year old mom dead in her arms. Faith wasn't going to stop her tears or her pain. With having so much faith you don't have to fear anything even if it hits people with healthy immune systems.
As for the rest of us, 2% of people infected so far are dying. 10% with SARS. Hopefully this has minimal effects but only time will tell.
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