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Old 01-22-2020, 02:47 PM
Scott h Scott h is offline
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
Agree 100%. Almost all of todays major problems stem from too many people/consumers. Its nobody's fault and nobody is suggesting mass exterminations but it is what it is and we do ourselves no service by ignoring the obvious. When you have smog so thick you can't see 100 yards, when you have birth control hormones showing up in rivers affecting wildlife, when you have islands of plastic in the sea, when you have bees dying en mass due to rampant pesticide use and ancient aquafers depleted due to (necessary) mass farming, when you have unstainable mining and forestry practices to feed the insatiable demand from 7 billion may have a people problem. Disease is one way mother nature will try to restore balance and in the end I suspect she'll win. Probably not this time around but who knows...
You're right. Humans aren't smart enough to control our own population, so nature will have to do it for us. It doesn't take a genius to look at a graph of the worlds population and know we are screwed. Almost certainly in our children's lifetime
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