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Old 02-26-2020, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
I always laughed at the guys with the 'bug out bags' and the mass hysteria preppers in Montana; 50,000 rnds of .556 "zombie killers" in lockers full of mags,

but this is different. This makes me nervous.
Drives me nuts when people say the common flu kills 600,000 people per year.

"We estimated an average of 389 000 (uncertainty range 294 000-518 000) respiratory deaths were associated with influenza globally each year during the study period, corresponding to ~ 2% of all annual respiratory deaths. Of these, 67% were among people 65 years and older."

This is not the common flu. I have read estimates from credible sources that this will affect 60-70% of the worlds population, and have a 2-4% mortality rate. The demographic remains the same, elderly trend.

Call it a conservative 40%, and conservative 2% mortality rate.
7.767 billion population
That = 62 million deaths . The deaths are not even what catches my attention. It is the havoc that will surround all of this.
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