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Old 02-29-2020, 07:28 AM
fishtank fishtank is offline
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Default Worst case scenario

Originally Posted by fishtank View Post
It’s the perfect storm everything lined up for a domino effect and it starts with China as the manufacturing hub of the world the supply chain disrupted and it will just grow from there . Now put the scenario of a outbreak in North America will the citizens be able to follow strict quarantine protocols... some incident about the diamond princess after the US charter the plane to fly it’s citizen home , in the word of freedom some us tourist refuse to get on the plane and just want to continue their vacation and landed in Japan.(this bunch would be the equivalent of the greta and pipeline protester of the world ... hopefully Darwin catch up with them )
if a strict quarantine issue for panic it might cause and give them a reason to riots , as the racial tension in the us is pretty high right now probably another 1977 and 1992 and Katrina , once something like that break out it will be hard to control.
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