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Old 02-29-2020, 05:07 PM
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omega50 omega50 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
Zero sympathy-Was a Chef Instructor at SAIT for 4 years.

Most of my work was filling in for other Chef Instructors who had reached the limit of their Student contact hours
So, they were paid to come in, drink coffee and go to the Rec Facility for a Swim and a Steam. Just sitting at their desk with no Student Contact allowed.
Ridiculous waste. Of a staff of 40ish Chef Instructors- about 25% were in this position every month.

Pretty hard to instill work ethic into your Students when you are incentified to sit on your assets
You're only as good as your last belly button de-linting

Last edited by omega50; 02-29-2020 at 05:14 PM.