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Old 03-28-2020, 07:41 AM
capper capper is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 281

I’m in full support of any restriction needed to combat this spread. I’ve followed all recommendations and will continue too. That said, I have no reason to stop anywhere other then possibly to get gas ( put gloves on, then wipe down buttons and pump handle, no human contact and the surface I touched is cleaner b/c of me). I will still go fishing on a less frequent basis. We all need to get outside while practising social distancing and all health recommendations.
if I go outside on any walking trail, dog park, park, sidewalk or anywhere else in the city I will absolutely be crossing paths with many many more people. I live near a dog park and can see 100’s of people parking beside each other, petting each other’s dogs, touching similar handrails, etc. Everyone needs to do your part to stop the spread. If you need to stop 4 times along the way to go fishing and come into close contact with people along the way, then you should stay home!

Stay safe.
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