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Old 03-28-2020, 10:23 PM
Isopod Isopod is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 464

Originally Posted by smitty9 View Post
Been through the ringer on this one today, yeesh. In one FB group I posted (mind you, this was yesterday before the announcement), I got 100% support when I asked fellow outdoorsmen their opinion about going fishing tomorrow (Sunday).

Switch to a different FB group today, yikes, was called selfish and immature for even contemplating it.

Lots of strong opinions on both sides. .
Social media in general, and FB in particular, attracts a lot of people who like to tell other people what they should or should not be doing. Add in Covid-19 and they are inspired to take it up a notch, all in the interest of public health of course.

I feel it's best to follow the official public health directives. Those have been determined by teams of real experts, not by Joe Expert on FB.

Right now, Alberta public health orders tell us not to drive to provincial parks. They can't clean facilities in the parks without proper protective gear and it's more important that health care workers have that gear right now. Okay, PP are out.

They have not directed anyone to not go fishing. So fishing is okay when going with people you are in regular contact with anyway, and using physical distancing from others.

If the authorities ultimately decide to close fishing for some reason then of course I would follow those rules. But I'll ignore the extra rules that people on FB and elsewhere are trying to impose on people. Our province has a team of experts to set health guidelines and rules, I'll take my advice from them.
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