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Old 04-08-2020, 11:54 AM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is offline
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Originally Posted by FishClimbHunt View Post
I agree. I'm mostly a fly fisherman but occasionally spin cast depending on the situation. Some fly fisherman need to relax with their elitist attitude.

I know a lot of fly fisherman that dislike SOME spin fisherman in particular. The spin casters I'm referring to are the ones who go to catch and release only backcountry rivers with big treble hooks and then chuck the fish like a football back into the river. I've seen it myself and despite the fact that it legal, it's definitely not in the spirit of proper catch and release. Not uncommon to see this and then walk past an hour later to see a dead trout lying sideways at the bottom of a pool.
Poor fish handling is not exclusive to any form of fishermen. I have crossed paths with my fair share of fly fishermen with extremely poor habitat too. Fly fishermen using too light of a leader breaking of multiple fish in a day or over playing fish during hot summer periods is just as common

I would like to see an improvement in C&R fishermen of all styles and the issues are prevalent within all fishing styles
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