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Old 05-11-2020, 10:21 PM
Gifted Intuitive Gifted Intuitive is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 420

Originally Posted by Dean2 View Post
It worries me that so many are prepared to give up their rights because of illegal and harassing action by Police. I plan to continue to do what is perfectly legal. If the Police show up I will deal with them respectfully but I will stand up for my rights. If they assault me, arrest me without reason or in any other way abrogate my rights they will see an official complaint along with civil court action. If we don't start pushing back effectively you won't be able to take your guns out of the house for fear the Police will be on you. Time to grow a set guys.
"...because of illegal and harassing action by Police." a profound statement that needs further discussion. These actions by Police seldom get discussed in open forums. I initiated a discussion about a hunter walking from his house down a country road to a hunting area. First he was harassed by the RCMP and then removed from the road by a Fish and Wildlife Officer. The discussion was removed from this Forum. "If we don't start pushing back effectively..." has to be thought as "We have to push back effectively..." but when Forums suppress these discussions they support Police actions.
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