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Old 05-25-2020, 12:07 PM
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58thecat 58thecat is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: At the end of the Thirsty Beaver Trail, Pinsky lake, Alberta.
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Originally Posted by Positrac View Post
With the exception of being born in the Charlotte’s and a few years there I spent most of the first 40 years of life on the Island with majority of it being in Campbell River. It was a truly great place to live if you loved the outdoors. Deer and black bear hunting was awesome. Elk were everywhere and the hardest part was getting a tag. Freshwater and saltwater fishing was excellent.

I had a couple good places a guy could go for a quad ride and catch salmon or bottom fish from shore with no one else around. I usually fished with a Buzz-bomb or Sting-Zelda so I had as good a chance of catching a salmon as a cod. Bait of some sort worked good for bottom fish as they as just scavengers but salmon a quite a bit more picky.

Lots of sun in the summer but the fall/winter/spring were long with months of gloomy weather. I don’t miss that much...
yeah once November rolls in its too dreary for me....we use to go off king coho in my canoe to chuck buzz bombs blue/white or pink/white for salmon...get a few then off to fart around the ferry docks for bottom fish etc...usually limited out the and next day hit the mountains for more fishing...kinda wrapped up a wk-end.....

ate fish three times a week....

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