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Old 06-03-2020, 07:11 AM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
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you proved you were in the right, let it slide. maybe they were seeing someone else who knows. better to be reported and innocent at least someone is watching our fish. I was reported a few years ago too when I was tagging sturgeon with a research license that let me start fishing the river at the beginning of April instead of May 8. I was actually happy someone called me in, it meant someone was concerned. Plus I got to meet them eventually they are local ranchers and we got to know each other, got me more permissions on more river
Shove your masks and your vaccines
Non Compliance!!!!!!
"According to Trudeau, Im an extremist who needs to be dealt with"
#Trudeau must go

Wheres The Funds

The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
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