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Old 06-04-2020, 10:57 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by bessiedog View Post
No.... I respectfully disagree with you. You are over blaming one media group.

I think abolishing the US fairness doctrine was the single stupidest thing that our governments could do..... for the simple reason that people lack the time to search out both sides..... It really is that simple.

I show this in my classes.... I feel its pretty accurate.

We, as a society have known that the news can get manipulated for many many years now..... Even before Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent....

Knowingly getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine of the FCC was a bad bad move.

And many people are taking advantage of us ( and I do mean both you and me and elk11 and others)..... we notice some.... we consent to others...

its still bad.
What media group is stating the facts about what happened in Minnesota? What media outlet is reporting that George Floyd was a career criminal, convicted of violent offenses and was being arrested for committing another crime when he was killed? What outlet is saying “let’s put this into perspective”? What media outlet has the ballz to call a spade a spade? Everyone seems to leave out all the facts except for a white officer killed a black man. This tactic is CONSTANTLY used yet never addressed?????? Why? Why do we have to make a criminal issue political every single time? That’s the true travesty we face these days.
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