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Old 06-06-2020, 02:49 PM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 2,322

When my kids were in elementary school, way back when and supposedly "studying Canadian history" I was appalled that they didn't know what D-Day was! It was never taught, believe it or not.

I told them it was only the greatest invasion in known history!

I had to sit them down and explain to them about good ol' Dolphie and his antics; and how it wasn't just Canadians who gave their lives, but also British and Americans, and why they did it.

It really peed me off that they weren't taught about that tyrant and the Holocaust, and how he started a war, and treated people in occupied countries.

I got pretty "graphic" in my explanations (which my wife hated) but they learned something, and understood why D-Day was necessary.

So much for modern education! When I had to do it!
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