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Old 06-20-2020, 09:39 PM
OL_JR OL_JR is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Dodge City
Posts: 1,283

Looks like you are cavitating to me and that can happen if you are underpowered.

If the boat won't get out of the hole 10mph isn't a surprise. I hope for your sake it is something simple like the motor being rpm limited or the motor height being wrong but I doubt that is the case. I would bet money that if you go out on it by yourself that once you are out of the hole and getting on to plane the rpm's will climb to what they should be at w.o.t.

Really hope it is something simple but if the dealer doesn't find anything I'd start by going out by yourself first and than start adding weight until you find where you aren't able to plane anymore.

After that drop a pitch or two on the prop, I wouldn't worry so much about going to stainless at this point until you figure out if you can get what you want out of adjusting the pitch. Prop masters out of Airdrie would be able to hook you up or if you know what you need it can be had online cheaper. I just ordered a new Solas for a Honda out of Kimpex and it seemed to be the best deal I could find when shipping costs are factored in.
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