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Old 06-30-2020, 09:09 AM
Scott h Scott h is offline
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Originally Posted by Fisherdan View Post
Deena Hinshaw has repeatedly said most people will endure mild symptoms.

CDC says 4.9% death rate? Let’s forget about cdc for a minute and just look at Alberta. Why?

1. Everyone on this forum is familiar with how things have gone in this province.
2. We’ve had more testing than anywhere in Canada, and perhaps North America since day 1.

So far, 8067 confirmed cases in Alberta with 154 deaths. That’s a 1.9% mortality rate. However, there are currently 559 active cases with 41 in ICU. Not everyone in ICU will make it. Suppose 20 don’t... that bumps the mortality rate in Alberta to 2.2%.

A big thing to consider however, is that 8067 confirmed cases does not mean 8067 total cases. We don’t know what the total case numbers are, but it is certainly much higher than 8067.

Not trying to poo-poo the virus, but the facts, at least here in Alberta where our health care has done a tremendous job, don’t jive with some of the scarier numbers and headlines that are floating around out there.
Your numbers look correct, and I agree with you that Alberta and Canada for the most part has done a good job at holding this outbreak at bay. That's what can happen when decisions are made based on science vs. politics. There are however a few people in Canada that think the entire issue has been over blown and that we should go back to how we lived in 2019. It's important to point out the dangerous flaws in that thinking, because this is going to take a long time to get under control, and people want things to happen instantly these days.