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Old 07-31-2020, 11:52 AM
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CBintheNorth CBintheNorth is offline
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Originally Posted by sk270 View Post
I think you should consider the definitions of "cynical" and "argue". Nonetheless, this time I will argue.

I asked you to provide recent, primary sources. None of your links are such sources. However, they do lead to some.

Your first link is a secondary source but it does lead to CDC. This link is out of date. Currently "CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings . . .". (Before you can point it out, I do realize that this is not a primary source.)

The article you cited leads to an Australian study dating to April which, I think, should be considered in the light of more recent research of infectivity of young people.

The article leads to a third study which was done in 2015 and deals with protection in a health care environment. If you have any, please cite primary sources dealing with mask wear by the general public.

Your second link is, again, a secondary source which links to the original. In the original the authors "recommend the use of masks combined with other measures". Your own reference recommends masks. I have to conclude that you did not read it yourself.

Your second link refers to the WHO. The most recent recommendation from WHO is "to encourage the use of fabric face masks in public places . . .". As your linked article points out, CDC recommends masks.

Your second link refers to a study that concludes surgical masks could prevent the transmission of the virus. Argumentative question: did you actually read your own citations?

The authors of your second link suggest that much research is needed. Argumentative question: have you tried to find any of this research? Quite a bit has been done and I cannot find any that say masks don't work.

In short, both CDC and WHO recommend masks, which you could have easily determined before trying to use their recommendations as reasons not to wear masks. You have not bothered to search for recent research findings. I argue that you have not cited any primary sources, nor any recent sources.

As I said, if you find any recent primary sources that show mask wearing indoors in public places is not a good idea, let me know and I will engage again.

Note:The idea is not to "win the internet", as you put it, but to do our best to determine best practices by examining the most recent, pertinent research.
To spite what you may think, I have read the articles I posted.
Have you researched why the CDC and the WHO changed their minds? I have. Not much in the way of new studies (if any) have been done since May 11, yet they both recently changed their opinions.
I have to ask, based on what?
The physical, scientific, and anecdotal proof shows anything other than an N95 mask is useless in stopping aerosols. And then they're only gone if properly fit tested.
Now they're basically saying a pair of underwear on your face is sufficient? And you're just ok with that?

I'm glad you pointed out that the one article thought that masks "may" help, because the same article says that full enclosure goggles will help just as much.
Are you in support of full enclosure goggles being mandatory? Or is that too far for you?

And the video I posted with the aerosol spray doesn't lose relevance due to time, the experiment and its results are timeless.

When I want to know what the weather is like I look outside first, and then check the forecast to give me an idea what's coming that I can't see.
I'm going to guess that you do the same, but in reverse.

Stay safe out there, the world is full of bad stuff.
I'm driving out of Edmonton now to go shopping.
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