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Old 07-31-2020, 12:26 PM
obsessed1 obsessed1 is offline
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Originally Posted by sk270 View Post
I'd appreciate a link to your data. When I searched, I found a figure of 8967 deaths in Canada to date from Covid-19 ( The most recent vehicle accident death number that I found was 1740 for all of 2018 (

Thanks for the information.

BTW no argument about smoking but that is a risk that is "easily" controlled by the individual.
Your data is false. Every one who died WITH covid is a covid death. Not all those died FROM covid. Look up the death rate to date this year and compare to last year and year before that. Go back 5 years and compare data. Covid deaths can only be death % above normal death rate for North America spoiler it's not a huge #. Look it up for yourself. Face book and social media have helped working people up into a frenzied pitch based solely on fear. Forcing everyone to wear a mask is a huge over reach. But hey if it makes you feel more comfortable thinking you might just save one life....What other rights are you willing to give up? How bout democracy? Firearms? Parental rights over your children? Finances? The list goes on. But hey as long as we are comfortable and promised peace....
I have 5 family members employed in 5 different hospitals in two provinces + 4 close friends and 2 relatives who are end in the provinces. None of these folks see this so called pandemic as any thing worse than the average flue ( and yes the average flue kills people) but the hype is simply powers at be working us all up into a frenzy.
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