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Old 08-03-2020, 10:49 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by wind drift View Post
Doesn’t that last sentence in the quote counter your point? If the guy keeping his 1 fish catches 10 before he puts it in the cooler, then catches another 15 before he quits, he’s killed 3-4, plus 1, which is a 25-33% increase in dead fish.

That might not be an issue, unless it exceeds what the lake can sustain for harvest.

That said, I thought the goal for Sylvan was to shift it to put and take for walleye anyway, in which case, there’s no big risk in overfishing it now. As a stocked lake with a 1 fish any size limit, Sylvan’s job might be to absorb a ton of pressure and provide marginal to poor fishing for the masses.
Have you fished it recently?
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