Thread: Showers
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Old 09-14-2020, 10:29 PM
wildwoods wildwoods is offline
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Originally Posted by Bitumen View Post
The best camp shower I ever seen was about 10 years ago.

The guys had a 12 V boat sump pump hooked up to a Honda 1000 W generator.
From the pump they had a few feet of garden hose connected to a coil of 1” copper pipe/tubing looped about 2 feet in diameter. This coil was elevated about 2 feet off the ground using some metal rod supports they had. Next they had 2 tiger torches hooked up to 20 lb propane tanks pointed such that the flame was on the copper coil. From the copper coil 10-15 feet more of garden hose ran to a typical shower head which was strapped to a tree Using duct tape pointing downwards at an angle like you see in your own shower at home.

They camped right next to the river. So you toss the pump in the river, fire up the genset and you have endless water supply coming out the shower nozzle. Then once water flow was established, the tiger torches were lit and you adjusted the flame until you got a nice water temp.

Using regular ivory soap only, you shower away and everything ran back into the river. We were taking 20-25 minute showers sometimes. It was awesome. The only downside was that occasionally the pump would plug with mud/dirt from the bottom. That was solved by putting a rock base near the shore and surrounding it by rocks such that only water came in around the pump suction. Because we were only using ivory soap, when we were done we smelled like the know as if we were swimming in it and then got out and dried up. No big deal, you were clean.

Obviously, this setup is not very portable.
The unnecessary-ness of this shower system is what makes it amazing. Well, well done lads. Slow clap.

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