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Old 09-15-2020, 04:58 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 13,243
Default Congrats and condolences to Lawrence @ Accurate Archery

First off I’d like to say congratulations to Lawrence for being the master of his craft for so many years and working on every bow I’ve owned since the clock of time turned to 2000. Last Saturday was his last day at accurate archery, Sunday marked his first day of retirement.

It also marked another special milestone for my friend, it found him on stand, waiting for the buck he’s been chasing for the past 3 years. Up until Sunday he just kept teasing me with trail cam pics, then Sunday morning he texted me some more pics of the buck, only this time he was also in the pics!

Again, congratulations Lawrence!

Unfortunately this buck is deceiving even in death. Like my buck last fall, pictures do not do his buck justice, and if you aren’t paying attention the mass will slip by your eye. When he texted me the pics I knew right away he tagged a monster, I think I was more aware of that than Lawrence was.

Today I had time to go see Lawrence, and I brought my tape measure with me. The inside spread is over 20”, the main beams are 23-1/2 and 24-1/2, longest brow tine is 10” and longest g2 is 12”, 16” in abnormals and a whopping 44” of mass, his buck stretched the tape right around the 190” mark, congrats Lawrence, my deepest condolences you didn’t realize that before you decided on a euro mount for your 190” archery buck!!!

Don’t worry buddy, I’ll have you covered

Lawrence doesn’t have an account here, but I know he’s going to be lurking, I told him I was going to post a thread for him, so if you ever had the bow whisperer work on your bow, bows a good time to thank him for his years of service and congratulate him on his fine achievement award presented to him by Mother Nature herself!

Thank you Lawrence for all your help over the years, congratulations on the magnificent whitetail, and I wish you the very best in the years to come my friend.
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