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Old 10-11-2020, 07:28 AM
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zabbo zabbo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Alberta is between the proverbial rock and really hard spot at this point. Stay in Canada and we can expect much much more of what we have been getting over the last twenty or thirty years. Even a conservative government has to please qeeeeebec, Ontario and the rest of the east to remain in power.

Leave Canada and attempt to go it on our own? Lots of formidable obstacles to overcome! Think, no internationally recognized currency ( throw in the covid issue ), aboriginal issues, what portion of the national debt are we responsible for, police, military immigration and on and on. Probably a real ugly divorce! Seems impossible to build a pipeline as part of Canada, think about trying to deal with the TURD as foreign nation!!

Become a protectorate of the US? Puerto Rico didn't fare too well after the big hurricane a couple years back. The donald pretty much said, " not our problem!"

Join the union and become the 51st state? Still have to deal with the Canadian divorce. Many Albertan's would oppose this move. Also means Americans can move in as they see fit. True enough we can move to any state we may choose. We gain first and second amendment rights. Each individual state has much more power regarding judicial legislation. Some good things here, but still many issues that will need to be dealt with.

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