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Old 10-20-2020, 04:14 PM
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JReed JReed is offline
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Originally Posted by Moosetalker View Post

I would support the 24 hr clause tho too many willing to Bend the law out there as it is.
Ya, then you’d get the guys out there that are “shooting coyotes”, until the tag is valid or have zero intention of buying the tag at all

As others have stated, its great in the case where you come across a different quarry than the one you’re hunting and decide to purchase a tag.

The unfortunate side will be the people that go hunting, aren’t successful, and never end up buying the tag. But if they’re out there doing that, than they’re probably not doing a lot of other things properly either.

At the end of the day, we can have all the rules we want as outdoorsmen, but if nobody is out there enforcing them, then its a moot point.
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