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Old 11-22-2020, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by MaxxiD View Post
Gonna start ice fishing this year. I think I'll be real into it. Anyone have any tips for me. Was advised to go to spray lakes. How do you check if the ice is thick enough? How thick does the ice need to be? What gear should I get? Was thinking about a hand auger, maybe with a drill attachment. Can you have a fire when you're out there?

Sorry if this hijacks the post

You guys can PM me if you want?
Keep drilling holes in the ice every so often as you walk out. I don’t fish on anything less than 4” myself. Just start off with a hand crank auger. Later in the year get a powered auger when the ice is thicker. Keep the hand crank as a back up incase your powered auger piles up.
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