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Old 11-25-2020, 03:33 PM
obsessed1 obsessed1 is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
If I am still hunting, or tracking and animal, which I sometimes do,my rifle is in my hands, not on a sling. As for crap accumulating on my scope lens, I use flip up lens caps, so it isn't an issue.
flip caps are too slow for fast shots for me. While your flipping up your caps the deer will have buggered right off. Some guys prefer to carry their gun in hand I prefer to have my call or binos in my hand if anything. Otherwise empty hands so climbing over dead fall and such is easier. But I like my gun good and ready for those fast shot opportunities.
Another pro to the front ready is I can keep a round in the chamber but not drop the bolt. More often than not now in using a lever gun on half sick but when packing a bolt I can keep a round chambered but leave the bolt up. Being it's right under my nose I can keep checking it constantly and often walk with my thumb hooked over it to make sure it's open. Simply drop it just before lifting the rifle to shoulder. You can also keep track of your scope mag setting.
If you slip or trip it's tight to your body and won't fall off to get bashed or broken even if you fall forward you can usually stop your fall before the gun impacts. You also don't have a barrel sticking up above your head while ducking under branches.
It might not be everyone's choice but I find it works best for me
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