Thread: Brake Question
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Old 11-26-2020, 08:26 AM
tbiddy tbiddy is offline
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Originally Posted by HVA7mm View Post
I didn't ask, but if the parts in the photo were the only ones remaining, yes I feel the blame would be with the original shop. If there were more leftover parts than in the picture, it could have been a part failure or assembly error. They also may not have adjusted the park brake/not had the tension spring connected properly causing the adjuster to fall out the bottom of the assembly and tumble inside the drum. Come to think of it, the adjuster is the only part that is likely durable enough to break a piece out of the drum.
Those were the only parts left. And there is was no shoe. Having no knowledge of brakes I asked the mechanic if it could’ve fallen out and he said it would have no where to go. He said it was never there but didn’t want to throw another mechanic under the bus and accuse them of doing bed work.

When we were driving we heard a small “ting” then a louder “bang”. Pulled over and you could hear a grinding noise from the rear drivers side when I drove forward and backed up. Made the decision to keep driving the 10mi to Mayerthorpe. Heard one more loud “bang” and then the wife said it sounded like there was gravel rolling around in the tire. I’m hard of hearing so I couldn’t hear a thing other than the bangs. The mechanic figured the bangs were the parts binding and then letting loose which caused the drum damage.
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