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Old 11-26-2020, 02:53 PM
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FlyTheory FlyTheory is offline
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Originally Posted by fishinguy99 View Post
Every time I use my buddy heater for a prolonged period in my tent I find that I have a burning sensation in my nostrils for several hours afterwards. Just wondering if it’s a faulty heater possibly? Seems like it’s not burning the propane fully
That sounds problematic for sure! I would honestly call their customer support to get an answer on if they'll can replace it. If the propane is undergoing incomplete combustion that could be very serious. I know they have the O2 sensors in them, but like everything, it could be faulty.
Additionally, if your heater is dirty (element) it could be burning whatever's on it and causing particles to become airborne.
Regardless, this isn't good, lol.
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