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Old 12-01-2020, 03:40 AM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Oz
Posts: 2,147

The overcast sky’s are a blessing. I’ve only had two overcast mornings to fish since I’ve been here and they’ve both been good. The last one we had eight marlin strikes in three hours. Today was the second overcast morning and it turned out to be a dolphin fish day.

We took off to the fads for a look around. The first one had four boats on it so we didn’t even head over but instead went to the second fad. First pass had a few strikes and one decent mahi hooked up.

A couple more passes produced a few half hearted strikes and no more hookups. We took off for the second fad and found some smaller sized fish and put a few in the kill tank. No pics taken.

We then headed out wide to hit that little hump where that blue marlin broke our hearts two days ago. I got the first two lures in the water and was setting the third out when we had our first strike and hookup. Porter took this one again and it was a nice bull mahi.

We then managed to put our spread out and kept going. A few minutes later we hooked up another one and I brought it in. Porter got beat up by it when he brought it in on the gaff but managed to wrestle it down.

We went back to that hump and found no flying fish, no bait and no marlin. The current was pushing out and there was a temp break a few miles east so we steamed out to about 240m where we found the temp break then zig zagged in and out of it heading south for another fad. Through it all found zero bait and nothing of interest. The sun popped out though and the seas calmed down.
We got down to the furthest fad and made a pass. Had a few strikes and hooked another cow up.

We trolled in another ten miles or so before giving up on the marlin and heading home.

All up we took a limit of mahi, threw a few back, lost a few and completely struck out on the billfish. Looks like fish tacos for the next week.

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