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Old 12-11-2020, 08:47 AM
Walleyedude Walleyedude is offline
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Originally Posted by AlbertanGP View Post
I think you two are missing the point. I'm not saying live imaging isn't great. I've had a LiveScope for some time and spend time almost every time out demo'ing it for interested fellow ice anglers wondering why I'm outfishing them. My point was #1 the video in the link was a pretty much useless regurgitation of a data sheet put out by RMP of something that's supposed to be released in four months. It's like Humminbird is desperately trying to get it's fanbois to wait for them to catch up. I think the fact that yet another pro won a tourney with LiveScope tells you more of what you need to know than that video did.

Regarding the TFH video, it was terrible. That was seven foot long sturgeon in 20 feet of water. The images themselves were a far cry from the promo material Lowrance has put out for Active Target. Several reputable online sources have claimed Lowrance has caught Garmin based off of Lowrance's promo material so far released for Active Target. Heck, I was starting to buy in. But then I snapped out of it and thought let's wait and see what the public reviews look like. This is the first private stuff I've seen (albeit from the regional Lowrance rep) and I'm just saying I'm not impressed.

So I mean if you guys wanna spend $1,500+ on unproven technology, knock yourselves out. Ask the Lowrance LiveSight guys how that turned out for them. And for the record, I'm not a Garmin fanboi...I use whatever is the best. I have a $17,000 Lowrance network on my boat. And I was a member of the Yahoo group with Per years ago back when there was like 30 of us using/debugging/making suggestions for Dr. Depth. So if you like AutoChart on your're welcome.
Haters gonna hate LOL.

Every post in both threads so far has been the same. If you want to be skeptical and bash on the tech, and the videos, and on others for being enthusiastic about it, go ahead. Big time it all you want.

I much prefer a glass half full approach. I know none of this new technology is going to be perfect, it never is, but the way I see it, it's pretty amazing that it's even available, and I'm looking forward to it.
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