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Old 12-16-2020, 11:40 PM
Crankbait Crankbait is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 1,662

Great video; I primarily fish pike and defend them when the people associate them with "coarse" fish,, and they are not just easy catch fish. Certain lakes they are super aggressive and others a bit shy.

There's a point in the vid where the pike releases as it has felt part of the exposed treble,, I no longer use trebles but a larger single. Regardless, I find that when I bait my herring with the hook more in the hill cheek I get more hook ups. I also don't do the double hook method as I loop the line going back at the belly and a loop again at the tail, this way it presents as a foraging fish and an easy target. Some larger pike hit the bait, release and second hit,, but, the love of the pike fishing is; just when you think your dialed in to their habits, something changes on the next outing. I've also come to the conclusion that if the herring has a flap torn exposing gut there is more likely chance of a big gulp. Tattered and torn.

Really nice leader material you can get from Michael's in the bead section,, I find it nice and supple during ice time.

Pike deserve more respect. When I see someone pick them up by the eyes,, hoh boy, or kick them into the water, or wretch the hook from them like they're working a barbed wire fence,,, they maybe stealthy alpha predators, bit they should be handled no different than the girly fish so sought after in the bow.

Disclaimer: girly fish is a trademark of Wayne Christie enterprises, and used without permission.
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