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Old 12-23-2020, 09:28 PM
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Zip-in-Z Zip-in-Z is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Sylvan Lake/South Calif.
Posts: 3,465

Dec 23 .... dragged my stuff out at 7:30 in my overloaded sled & was plowing soft snow it was exhausting & for an old guy I was hoping my old ticker wouldn't burst. Got set up and seen my first White just after 8:15, came in & swam by within 1-2 minutes a small Pike came screening in and murders my Wetaskiwin flutter spoon. A bit later another Pike is after my spoon but got rid of it then started seeing a few more Whites but none are coming in for a sniff.

I switched over to a Vibro and was pounding the rock rubble bottom in 6 fow & had a Candy Cane Yellow/Orange w/w tied above it. Just after 11:00 a monster White slowly appears, it was the largest White I've ever see, it was Gull lake maybe Pigeon size, it's back was dark black and thick, it was the length of both my 12" holes. Dropped Vibro on the rocks, the w/w disappeared, set the hook, my HD rod bent in 1/2 & this thing took off taking out line, got my second rod/line out of the hole and the battle was on. Unfortunately, it didn't come into the hole & got off under the ice, I was really hoping to get a pic & then release it ... but not to be.

After that I had another bigger Pike stare at Vibro & seen a couple more Whites, had lunch and it died right off, no more fish, now I was disheartened, packed up and departed for home.

Got a pair of old X-Country skies from Scott, picked up some lumber & hardware, planning on constructing a Smitty sled don't need to die the next time out.

Will be dreaming of the big one that got away tonight ....



Vibro .... works great as a fish call, they come in 1 size smaller, here fishie-fishie!

Smitty Sled Frame ... pic from Net. Mine will be a High-Boy got me a 2x12 for the runners.


Last edited by Zip-in-Z; 12-23-2020 at 09:36 PM.
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