Thread: Alberta VS Sask
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Old 02-08-2021, 07:36 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Bighandswalker View Post
I definitely attended the seminars I believe I missed one due to work. I did take the survey and they are all positive changes being discussed and I’m super positive about the engagement progress that’s been made over the last couple years. I guess I get a little worked up because I feel like Alberta has so much uncapitalized potential it feels like 😂 like someone said on this page we already have the views imagine if we could improve the fisheries
It is a move in the right direction for sure. Would be great to see a full and live two way dialect happen for the next engagement. I'm sure there were many listening to their typed questions misinterpreted or wanting to ask a follow-up question right on the spot. At least they added some options to continue the discussion so that is something for sure.

One that that stood out on the stocking that I took away is that they will proceed with lakes that can benefit from supplemental stocking. It was made very clear that the preference is for populations to recover on their own natural abilities without stocking. Or at least I heard that loud and clear and I'm wondering if others came away with the same impression. So only certain lakes will be stocked to help recover. And I don't think there will be a return to "stock em all" that seemed to happen quite a while back.

Touchwood was another good example where it was also brought up to possibly stock lake trout again. I'm pretty sure that was a resounding "no" without saying no that was heard. The reasons seemed sound due to it being a low productivity lake, slow growing, and that predator competition by introducing another predator would likely make it even worse.

I think there is a way to go yet and plenty of stocking discussions to continue.
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