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Old 02-11-2021, 04:06 PM
goku88 goku88 is offline
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Posts: 61
Default oriental not only ones like carp

Originally Posted by Marty S View Post
Many Oriental people would go ballistic over these otherwise seemingly garbage fish. We hate them, yes, (I also detest lake whitefish... yuck) but others like them

Sure electrofishthem, who wants to? Govt? aCA at sportsmen’s cost, let the Oriental folks that like boiling these things and making soups without bone problems that us commoners have cuz we just have to fillet and fry only.

People killing and utilizing these fish is better than nobody using the new “resource” tho garbage resource to us ignorant commoners.

We are looking at a future where every sport fish egg gets eaten by these carps???or don’t they do any damage?

Let the people who want them to be able to go out and scoop them by the bucketfuls... I mean truckloads.

Education... tell them where and when, there will be people, mind blowing numbers if the message gets out.
really dude oriental? im one i dont like them,fun to catch. what about russians and europeans they like them too. there are some videos brittish like catching them too. few bad apples doesnt make all bad. i find the more knowledge a fisherman has the less they harvest/steal. i like taking new fisherman out shows them the ethics they will appreciate nature
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