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Old 03-27-2021, 08:35 PM
350 mag 350 mag is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: North Sask.
Posts: 350

Originally Posted by HyperMOA View Post
I will argue with you here. Gold historically has always had value even in scenarios which you describe. History tells us it would in the future too.

Why do you go to work in the morning? (Assuming you do or did work?) You go to earn money. Why do you want to make money, you can’t eat money? Money can be traded for food though right?

The same is true in a zombie apocalypse. No I wouldn’t give my last turnip for 100 ounces of gold. But if I have a cart of turnips and you have 100 ounces of gold I may give you one. I may take other things too. A thumb drive of promises though, I likely never ever accept for that turnip.

However, this is only one scenario. This holds true for every form of investment linked to a fiat currency. That’s why also invest in physical gold and silver along with other investments.
The scenario your describing will not happen.

And IF all "digital" shuts down you are NOT feeding 7 billion people??

Your Gold will be will be lucky not to be eaten as food by your fellow man.
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