Thread: ice auger
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Old 11-18-2009, 05:27 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by DANOMAN View Post
first off if theres one thing that cracks me up is !! a guy walking on the ice and using his auger as a cane or walking stick. then you watch him drill a hole and struggle to cut fresh air,,,,,,, let alone ice by the time he drills one hole you can drill 10 with sharp blades. RULE # 1 dont bang the blades on the ice if you respect that rule you can drill holes no problem with a 6" or an 8 " auger. i have one and my suggestion is get one thats one piece and have your blade protectors on and take care of it. It will last you a lifetime. CHANGE BLADES ON IT ABOUT EVERY 2 YEARS. I usually wait till spring canadian tire or walmart puts them on sale to blow them out for the summer fishing gear. I never wanted a power auger there heavy and try carrying 30 extra lbs 1/4 mile and by the time you pull that cord and warm up the auger enough that she will drill i can have 3 holes in the ice. So for you guys walking with your auger/walking sticks i will still watch you and laugh!!
X2 or even replace the blades every year, for the cost it saves a lot of sweat. Besides a hand auger warms you up on a really cold day.
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