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Old 11-19-2009, 04:35 PM
Waxy Waxy is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris K View Post
You are going to dearly miss the fishing you experienced in Saskatchewan, especially the quality of fish such as Tobin, Last Mountian, or Deifenbaker walleyes. Living so close to Last Mountain did you fish it much? I make eight trips a year to Saskatchewan for various tournaments and hands down, find the walleye waters to be some of the best I have ever fished.

Chris K

The fishing in AB is OK, but it doesn't compare to back home in SK.

If you're from Regina and you didn't fish Last Mountain regularly, you really missed out on a world class fishery! It's my "home waters", and I try to fish it as much as I can. It can be tough, but it's always rewarding.

I haven't done a lot of fishing in AB, I tend to go back to SK when I get the chance, but all of the lakes listed above are pretty good. They kind of remind me of fishing in northern SK, lots of fish and action, but the fish are generally small. I hear rumours of some nice ones coming out of Newell and the other southern reservoirs though.

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