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Old 05-11-2021, 03:59 PM
AlbertanGP AlbertanGP is offline
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Originally Posted by Poppa View Post
Boley's great, but he has "crutches" in his speaking, so much so that my wife and I developed a drinking game around it. When he's trying to describe something in detail, he'll say "...right?" a dozen times or more within a minute, I swear. There's a bunch of other crutches, too, that we use in the game. Schick, also fun, but also just terrible at talking, so we adapted our drinking game around his videos, as well. Basically any time he pronounces a word wrong, or says something that's so redneck it's barely even English....take a drink. Jay is alright, but he's a little too "goody goody" for my taste, at times. He's a super Christian, and that tends to shine through. Wiebe is still the GOAT. He doesn't put out much anymore, but the stuff he DOES put out, is the best fishing content going.
I spent 20+ years listening to Al & Ron Lindner every weekend I could on TV. Tom and Clay are a piece of cake in comparison. Jay and Aaron are both Mennonites. I don't find Jay super Christian...he's just a kind person IMO. That can be kind of unnerving if you don't have those people in your own circle. Again, Al Lindner is way more churchy than Jay and if Aaron is the GOAT on YT, Al is the GOAT period. Aaron is the most entertaining I would say, if that's what you're looking for in your YT content. Will watching Uncut Angling make you a better fisherman than watching other fishing channels. I doubt it.
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