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Old 05-29-2021, 03:56 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,614

We need a new team of fisheries guys in this province. It's not rocket science, there's so much data available and success-failures from all over north America. Do they not check the viability or impact of dumping millions of predator fish into a lake and what that lake looks like after 5 or 10 years of protecting said predators? They just insist on doing whatever they want regardless of how successful fisheries are managed a few hours any direction. Why do you think all the formerly awesome pike fisheries are toast? Well, we killed all the females. So are they doing anything about it? No just a zero retention for 10 years. Big surprise there, wonder what happened and why it didn't work when the precious wallies are protected and a guy wants a fish for supper? It took em 20 good years to mismanage our few fisheries to the point of no return, solution???? Just leave it. It'll fix itself. What a farce.
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