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Old 06-16-2021, 02:42 PM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Second morning was overcast but dry, wind was up but the seas weren’t to bad yet.

I looked on the sounder and chose some ground and we took off. About ten miles out I dropped the anchor and we sent some lines down. The boys were hooked up as fast as they hit bottom.

Coral trout

Red throated emperor.

Eventually I even got to drop a line.

The action continued all day. We lost a ton of fish to the bottom but nothing to sharks. I have to assume it was the larger models that broke us off on the bottom because the little ones we landed still managed to load up the 24kg rods and pull some drag.

After lunch we drove over to another island about ten miles away to look at some coral. We didn’t see as much as we wanted because of the wind. We saw a few sea snakes and turtles then headed back out to a different reef for some more fishing.

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