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Old 11-22-2009, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Freedom55 View Post
Exactly. I have been a member of this AO forum for just short of a year and have found out some interesting things from some of the threads as presented. I have met a handful of members (at an ice-fishing event hosted by a young fellow who guided us all to a "hotspot" then left us for his "hotter-spot"). I have shared my knowledge, for what it is worth. All good fun. But I cannot figure out how any of these posts from a private lake by an "outdoorsman" who only fishes outside his own door and who's steady message from the beginning has been to help him clean up his lake, polluted by his neighbors, has any value to the rest of the fishermen in this outdoor fraternity. Private message invitations to private lakes for private parties should be just that. Private. A mutual admiration society seems to defeat the purpose of a forum designed to benefit all anglers. And what the heck do you do with 100 fish a day, Sun? Dave

Since this was my post let me reply - If you don't like don't read it and don't post replies...Read what Administrator Rob Miskosky states on Message Board Rules:
This message board is for hunters, anglers, trappers, and other persons who may be interested in hunting, fishing and trapping. Therefore, anti-hunters, anti-anglers, and anti-trappers are not welcome to the use of this message board.

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Be aware that many of our users may be minors and as such, caution should be used when posting or discussing certain topics.

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We reserve the right to remove or edit any content that violates the standards of our site. We also reserve the right to ban message board users who refuse to follow the message board rules.

Now show me where it states that I cannot post pics from a private community lake…I can guarantee you that I am going to keep posting pics from this lake and we will have forum members out fishing the lake with us….And how do we get the forum members to come out, we post it on this forum…If you don’t like keep it to yourself.
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