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Old 06-29-2021, 03:11 PM
nabil nabil is offline
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by Smoky buck View Post
Always read the regs and follow them no matter what you hear from other fisherman and you will be good in this department

Like mentioned an Internet search will tell you what species is in a body of water

When it comes to fishing spots don’t get caught up on where people say to go fishing and just explore for yourself. Just because a place is popular doesn’t mean it’s awesome fishing

Being in Calgary explore east for pike/walleye and west for trout species. Or try the bow for trout and Glenmore for pike right in Calgary

Being new to fishing it takes time to figure it out and don’t assume a place is not good fishing just because you were did not catch fish your first try. Finding where the fish hang out in a body of water and what they want to bite is part of the challenge

When you are new to an area look for structure to target or cover water casting/trolling to find the fish
Thank you
I tried to fish at chain lake last year, I didn't catch a single fish, but I enjoyed the process and wanted to continue this year. We don't have much time for summer, and I want to do as much fishing as I can before summer ends. This coming Sunday, I am going to Henderson Lake and see what I get. wish me luck
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