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Old 07-19-2021, 03:06 AM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Oz
Posts: 2,147

Went out today for a look around. Wind forecast was good but expectations were low. Hit the banks and dropped some lines. Picked up a pearl perch and a few tomato cod. Took off trolling out to the 1000m mark then south for about 15 miles. Then we trolled back in and tried a deep drop for swordfish. I had only brought two big rocks for sinkers. First drop we sent a 18” squid down stitched onto a 30mm Pakula dojo hook. While we were trolling we found a cliff where it went from 320m to 265m pretty much instantly so we set up the drift on the deep side and sent it.

The hook was on bottom for about 30 seconds when we had a strike. We failed to hook up so brought it in and rebaited. Second drop was pretty much the same thing. Quick strike, bait got robbed and the hook came back bare. Prob not a sword but it piqued our interest for some more deep drops in the future.

We then trolled back toward the banks and then tried a little bottom bashing. Porter got a little snapper

I got some type of cod and a golden trevally. Both went back as the cod was to small and I hate eating trevally. Also picked up a fusilier that I had never seen before.

All up a slow day but beauty weather and it was better then hanging out at home. Can’t catch what isn’t here and being the middle of winter the billfish are somewhere between scarce and non existent.
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