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Old 11-24-2009, 06:19 PM
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Default burbs

For guys heading to PCR for burbot and planning to fill the freezer remember they have a relatively short freezer life. Where whitefish and trout can be reasonably frozen for 8-12 months with little change in texture burbot changes, and not for the better. I'm fairly picky when eating fish and find burbot starts to get dry/chewy after 2-3 months in the freezer. Normally mine doesn't last that long but i had to choke down a packet yesterday that migrated to the bottom of the freezer and well, very disappointing like all burbot that sits in the freezer too long. If you don't mind the chewy/dry sort of texture it gets you don't have to worry but i thought i'd mention the texture thing for guys new to burbot fishing a lake where 10 can be kept. The freezer thing is one of the reasons you don't see burbot for sale at grocery stores and why most of the commercial catch is sold fresh. I know this has been discussed in the past but always lots of new members so thought i'd mention in once again.

Good fishing everybody.
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