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Old 09-08-2021, 06:11 PM
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Penner Penner is offline
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Originally Posted by blackonblackfx4 View Post
Yeah I hear you for sure. I find it silly they stock rainbows in so many lakes that die off every winter. We like to camp at mile 7 it’s a tiny little lake north of la biche on crown land. The lake is only around 10 feet deep and dies off before Christmas every year. It’s not a park or campground so there is zero return on investment.

I’d rather see the resources spent on a lake that has a chance for the fish to live longer than 6 months.
Rainbow trout are simple and relatively cheap to hatch & stock in comparison to walleye which are more difficult and more costly to do the same. I think pothole trout certainly have their place. I think most enjoy some variety. But a few put and take walleye or perch fisheries would be interesting if feasible.
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